Useful Links
Freedom of Information
Your Rights and Responsibilities
Health Services Commissioner
Department of Health & Aging
Privacy Commissioner
Bendigo Health Care Group
Bendigo Health is one of the state’s major health service providers. It has a 672 bed multi-disciplinary service, Bendigo Health incorporates medical, surgical, rehabilitation, psychiatric care, aged care, ambulatory and community services.
Loddon Shire Council
Victorian Government Health Information Website
This is a gateway to information on the provision of health services in Victoria. The site is developed and managed by the Department of Health, Victoria, its funded agencies and partnership and special interest groups. Click on the Site Map to see all of the directories.
Women’s Health Loddon Mallee
This regional women’s health service based in Bendigo has an outreach service based in Ouyen, on the Mallee Track.
Health & Community Services Directory and e-Referral Mechanism.
Better Health Channel
Health and medical information hub for consumers.
The Cancer Council Victoria
The Cancer Council Victoria provides a range of services including the Cancer Helpline, an information and support service for people with cancer and their families, staffed by cancer nurses. They also offer information about cancer support groups, forums for people living with cancer, and their carers, Cancer Connect (telephone peer support service) and a range of resources for those living with breast cancer.